Our Spanish classes syllabi
A1.1 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Basic 1
A1.2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Basic 2
A2.1 level according to the CEFRL
Pre intermediate 1
A2.2 level according to the CEFRL
Pre intermediate 2
B1.1 level according to the CEFRL
Intermediate 1
B1.2 level according to the CEFRL
Intermediate 2
Intermediate 3
B1.3 level according to the CEFRL
B2.1 level according to the CEFRL
Advanced 1
B2.3 level according to the CEFRL
Advanced 3
B2.2 level according to the CEFRL
Advanced 2
Discussing various past events
Talking about chronicles and legends
Expressing intentions
Narrating events
Temporal markers and constructions
Uses of the imperfect tense (indicative and subjunctive)
Placement of adjectives
Uses of the gerund
B2.3 level according to the
Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages
Making future predictions
Discussing the environment
Debating recycling
Talking about news
Compound future tense
Temporal constructions
Text cohesion
Nouns, verbs, and adjectives
Talking about work
Analyzing companies
Valuing free time
Preparing for a job interview
Concessive subordinate clauses
Tools for reformulating or exemplifying ideas
Coherence and cohesion in writing
Resources for writing a cover letter
Discussing biographies
Talking about unfulfilled past actions
Debating education
Expressing regrets and reproaches
Pluperfect subjunctive
Compound conditional
Use and placement of pronouns
Emphatic constructions with causal meaning
Talking about cities and emotions
Sharing beliefs about towns/neighborhoods
Commenting on different points of view
Describing trips
Relative clauses
Participle for passive voice
Relative particles: "que," "cual," "quien," "cuyo," "donde"
Verbs of perception and opinion
B2.2 level according to the
Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages
Expressing conditions
Talking about calls for applications
Discussing exchange programs
Talking about contests
Present perfect subjunctive
Compound infinitive
Passive and impersonal constructions in the future
Use of relative pronouns
Describing body positions
Preparing for an interview
Expressing feelings and moods
Talking about theater, dance, and sports
Verbs of movement and change
Describing actions with adverbs, adjectives, and gerunds
Comparisons with "como si + imperfect subjunctive"
Uses of "poner" and "quedar"
Talking about scams and deceptions
Expressing purpose
Expressing involuntary actions
Mediating and resolving conflicts
Uses of "para"
Indirect speech
Use of pronouns
Commenting on news
Analyzing news and relaying information
Debating the role of media
Discussing politics and history
Past tenses
Use of the passive voice
Impersonal constructions with “se”
Anticipating the direct object
Arguing opinions
Debating tourism and leisure topics
Making proposals and negotiating
Expressing agreement and disagreement
Subjunctive for opinions (review)
Subjunctive for evaluations and reactions (review)
Tools for organizing information
B2.1 level according to the
Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages
Giving advice
Expressing wishes
Discussing sports and traditions
Expressing uncertainty
Some uses of the conditional (review)
Imperfect subjunctive (review)
Subjunctive for expressing emotions (review)
Imperfect and pluperfect indicative
Comparing styles of urban subcultures
Expressing emotions and feelings
Discussing personal and romantic relationships
Connecting information
Imperfect subjunctive (review)
Various uses of “por” and “para”
Verbs with prepositions
Temporal correlation in relative clauses
Responding to Peruvian customs
Offering recommendations
Making assumptions
Simple conditional tense
Imperfect subjunctive tense
diate 3
B1.3 level according to the CEFRL
Discussing likelihoods and probabilities
Making speculations
Talking about mysterious events
Forming hypotheses with indicative and subjunctive moods
Simple and compound future tenses
Uses of "cuando" for different contexts
Expressing impossible situations
Talking about wishes (both present and past)
Giving advice
Imperfect subjunctive
Present and imperfect subjunctive for wishes and hypotheticals
Expressions for conveying desires
Quoting or relaying someone else’s message
Paraphrasing messages
Indirect speech
Interrogative pronouns
Sharing opinions, reacting, and expressing emotions and feelings about people, places, and situations in general
Learning more about life in Latin America
Expressing positive and negative perspectives across different contexts
Third-person verbs (indicative and subjunctive)
Use of the subjunctive to express emotions and feelings
Review of the present subjunctive (opinions and reactions)
Expressing needs and requirements
Describing the characteristics, uses, and functions of objects
Stating preferences, needs, and existence
Relative clauses: "que," "quien," "donde" + subjunctive/indicative
Use of prepositions
Subjunctive for unknown antecedents
Referring to future actions and predictions
Talking about future actions
Reviewing the near future ("ir a + infinitive")
Simple and compound future tense
diate 2
B1.2 level according to the CEFRL
Making hypotheses, speculations, and narrating mysterious events
Discussing probabilities
Alternative uses of the simple and compound future tense
Tools for formulating hypotheses with with indicative and subjunctive
Writing and commenting on news
Understanding the role of a journalist
Reviewing key historical events
Active and passive voice
Passive and impersonal constructions
Verbs used for transmitting information
Expressing recent past actions
Giving opinions with negative introductions
Present perfect subjunctive
Comparing ideas from the past vs. ideas about the future
Discussing life changes
Recounting past experiences
Locating an action in time
Verbal periphrases: "empezar a," "volver a," "acabar de," "dejar de," "estar a punto de"
"Llevar + gerundio," "seguir + gerundio"
Review of past tenses: present perfect, preterite, and imperfect
Temporal markers: "hace," "desde hace," "desde," "desde que"
Expressing prohibition and obligation
Stating general opinions
Discussing habits and customs
Describing objects or things
Verbs of prohibition and obligation + subjunctive / infinitive
Uses of "se" + verb in 3rd person (singular or plural)
False friends / Vocabulary
diate 1
B1.1 level according to the CEFRL
Navigating different media of communication
Expressing and receiving mutual actions
Conveying messages with intent
Using "quedar" in place of other verbs
Statements for receiving and leaving written and oral messages
Reciprocal verbs
Verbs with prepositions (a, de, con, en, por)
Uses of the verbs "quedar" and "quedarse"
Narrating stories in the present tense
Telling jokes and short stories
Discourse connectors (beginning, development, and end of a story)
Direct and indirect object pronouns (Part II)
Expressing opinions, desires, complaints, and needs
Evaluating situations and events
Expressing future ideas
Uses of the present subjunctive (Part II)
Future intention: "Cuando" + subjunctive
"Hasta que" / "Antes de que" / "Después de que" + subjunctive
Telling anecdotes
Using a combination of past tenses correctly in stories
Narrating stories
Uses of the pluperfect tense
Review of past tenses (preterite, perfect, and imperfect)
Anecdote connectors
Describing the past
Making comparisons between the past and the present
Telling anecdotes and complex stories in the past
Uses of the imperfect tense
Contrast between preterite and imperfect
"Cuando" + various past tenses
"Estar" + gerund in the imperfect
Pre interme
diate 2
A2.2 level according to the CEFRL
Expressing wishes and recommendations
Agreeing and disagreeing with others
Giving opinions and reacting to them
Discussing habits, customs, and cultural differences
Present subjunctive: regular and irregular verbs
Indicative vs. subjunctive to express opinions
Use of connectors
Giving instructions, recommendations, tips, and advice
Going to the doctor and expressing pain
Asking for and granting permission / Giving orders
Uses of the affirmative and negative imperative
Imperative with objects
"Me duele(n)" + body parts
Discussing customs and habits
Expressing obligation or necessity
Offering help and discussing future plans
The verb "soler"
"Hay que + infinitive" / "tener que + infinitive"
"Querer que" + subjunctive
"Cuando" / "Hasta que" + subjunctive
Identifying, describing, and comparing people
Expressing personal or family relationships and possession of things
Expressing obligations
Contrast and uses of the verbs "ser" and "estar"
Irregular "-zco" verbs: parecerse, ofrecer, crecer
Possessive and demonstrative adjectives and pronouns
"Tener que" + infinitive / "Deber" + infinitive
Pre interme
diate 1
A2.1 level according to the CEFRL
Talking about actions in the past
Telling biographies and important historical events
Preterite tense, regular and irregular verbs
Expressions of time: después, al cabo de, desde, desde hace
"Estar" + gerund in the preterite
Talking about personal experiences
Telling important life events
Avoiding redundancy
Present perfect tense
Direct and indirect object pronouns
Using "puede(s)" / "podría(s)" + infinitive with objects
Talking about likes and interests
Proposing plans and activities
Discussing future plans
Verbs "gustar," "encantar," and "interesar"
Exclamations: ¡Qué + adjective!
Future periphrasis ("ir + a + infinitive") / "Pensar" + infinitive
Talking about origin, countries, age, and profession
Exchanging personal information: using "tú" and "usted"
Using opinions to refer to people
Quantifiers and adverbs
Descriptive adjectives with the verb "ser"
Expressing opinions, agreement, and disagreement
Basic 2
A1.2 level according to the
Common European
Framework of Reference
for Languages
Location and description of places
Learning to give and receive directions in the city
Asking for information in the city
Narrating actions in progress
Irregular verbs in the present tense (in "Yo" form): "poner," "salir," "saber"
The verbs "estar" and "haber"
Indefinite articles, adjectives, and pronouns
Prepositions: "ir a" / "ir en"
Prepositions of place
Periphrasis: "estar" + gerund
Narrating routine activities and expressing the time
Talking about recommendations and preferences
Comparing information to find similarities and differences
Ordering in a restaurant
Reflexive verbs, both regular and irregular
Irregular verbs with vowel changes
Use of comparatives with descriptive adjectives
Asking questions using "qué" and "cuál"
Spelling words, pronouncing sounds, learning the sounds in Spanish
Basic questions for introducing oneself
Expressing likes and purposes
The verb "ser"
The Spanish alphabet
Infinitive verbs
Use of “Me gusta” + infinitive, and use of “para” + infinitive
Basic 1
Equivalent to
Common European
Framework of Reference
for Languages Level A1.1
Describing habitual actions in the present
Asking questions with frequency expressions
Talking about quantities
Present indicative: regular verbs
Present tense irregular verbs: ser, ir, querer, and tener
Numbers from 0 to 1'000'000
Definite and indefinite articles
Describing your city
Describing places, things, food, drinks, people, etc.
Talking about our family
Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns
Descriptive and possessive adjectives
Noun rules: masculine and feminine
Relative clauses using "que" and "donde"